Monday, 30 December 2013
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
PINspiration - Christmas time!
Hello there! Its time for another PINspiration post, which I am really loving writing at the moment, I've become quite obsessed with Pinterest in the past few months and I've had a christmas inspiration board since I started using Pinterest all those months ago!
(all images can be found here)
As we now have our own flat, I have been extremely excited about coming around - mainly so I can decorate, I also been really excited to make my family some lovely present and if I have time I shall be making Peppermint Sugar scrub for the ladies in my family.
I may have a couple of last minute Christmas gift guides coming your way, if I have time to write them - If you work in retail you'll know that I now have no time to do anything! Roll on January I say.....
Just a quick little note that I believe GFC has been playing up, so can also follow me on bloglovin' for updates.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
PINspiration - Home #1.
Hello lovelies - another week and another PINspiration post, this week it's all for the home! Since we moved into our little flat in July, I have been on the lookout for anything for the home. With our flat being rented I have been dying to make it feel more homely and Pinterest has been a huge influence.
(all images can be found here)
I adore the heart made from pictures and I think it would look really cute in a bedroom, may be made from instagram pictures. The ombre draws are great too, a great way to brighten up any room!
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Sunday Wishlist #49 - Tartan love.
Hello my loves! Its been a while (as usual!) As you can tell from the title I am loving Tartan at the moment, its a trend I thought I'd hate but as time has gone on by I've grown to love it more and more. I recently bought myself the cutest tartan dress from Primark and now I want more! They could really make my mainly Black wardrobe pop.
I'd style almost everything with thick tights and cut out boots, its a look I adore right now and perfect for A/W - could I pull it off?! I'd pair the cami with Disco's or a black midi, keeping it simple as its a statement in itself.
What's your favourite tartan item?
Lots of love
Alex xox
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Hello lovelies! Just a quick post on how we spent our night, we carved our first pumpkins together (I carved Jack on the left and Ben carved Oogie Boogie on the right), we also watched The nightmare before Christmas and I couldn't have been happier!
It was a huge success, the little things in life always make me the happiest! I'm now off to plan our day in Leeds tomorrow, if you have any idea's of where we could go, let me know :)
(excuse the crappy phone quality!)
Lots of love
Alex xox
Friday, 25 October 2013
Pinspiration - Halloween!
Hello guys! I've decided that I'd love to share with you a couple of my weekly PINspirations on a weekly basis, inspired by the lovely Michelle from @ Satchels and Pearls.
With Halloween fast approaching I thought I'd show you my favourites - some are DIY and some can be bought online!
With Halloween fast approaching I thought I'd show you my favourites - some are DIY and some can be bought online!
(all images can be found here)
I am a big lover of Halloween and now we have our own little place I have been eager to decorate, The pumpkin and wreath look so lovely and would look perfect on a coffee table.
I've been dying to make the bark and cupcakes and I may have a go sometime soon, once I have time! If I do I'll share the success (or failure) with you all!
Let me know what your favourite items are - the tree is mine (found here!)
Eat, drink and be scary! ☠
Alex xox
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
What's in my bag - H&M Handbag.
Hello lovelies! Long time no speak, again! Say hello to my new bag, isn't it beautiful?! I've had the bag a couple of weeks and I'm in love - although H&M's delivery is shocking!

I had wanted a new bag for months but couldn't find the "perfect one" - I wanted a bag similar to the Zara city bag, I had searched high and low until I found this little beauty on the the H&M website here. The website says online exclusive but I've seen it in my local H&M store.
The bag is imitation leather with two handles and a detachable shoulder strap - which I always look for! On the inside there is three compartments, one with a zip in the middle and two either side. The bag also has a pocket on the front with a beautiful berry lining.
The contents -
> Deodorant
> ASOS purse
> Glasses case
> Headphones
> Mini hairbrush
> Make-up bag
> Kobo Mini
> Keys
> Umbrella
> Perfume - Music Box by Kylie Minogue.
As you can see from the list above I need a big enough bag to fit everything in and the H&M bag is perfect! I usually carry an extra pair of flats for work and there is always space left.

The bag is imitation leather with two handles and a detachable shoulder strap - which I always look for! On the inside there is three compartments, one with a zip in the middle and two either side. The bag also has a pocket on the front with a beautiful berry lining.
The contents -
> Deodorant
> ASOS purse
> Glasses case
> Headphones
> Mini hairbrush
> Make-up bag
> Kobo Mini
> Keys
> Umbrella
> Perfume - Music Box by Kylie Minogue.
As you can see from the list above I need a big enough bag to fit everything in and the H&M bag is perfect! I usually carry an extra pair of flats for work and there is always space left.
I have another post coming for you all Friday!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Sunday Wishlist #48.
Hello lovelies! What's this, a blog post?! Sorry I've been a little MIA after saying i'd be back blogging but I have gotten myself a job in York - I now work at Shared Earth and I'm loving it, its pretty hectic but very enjoyable.
Now I'm working, I'm realising how little I have to wear! Our uniform is black on top and anything on the bottom but I haven't got much. I've been searching online for days acceptable clothes and I think I've finally found some, I've been looking for lots of knits because our shop is boiling in the summer and freezing in the autumn/winter. The products I've chosen aren't that wearable for work but most of the things I've seen which should be suitable are from Primark, which we don't have in York so it looks like be taking a trip to Sheffield as soon as possible.
Out of all the items I've fallen head over heels in love with the shoes, mainly because they have bats on them - that's enough of an excuse to buy them, right?!
Now I'm working, I'm realising how little I have to wear! Our uniform is black on top and anything on the bottom but I haven't got much. I've been searching online for days acceptable clothes and I think I've finally found some, I've been looking for lots of knits because our shop is boiling in the summer and freezing in the autumn/winter. The products I've chosen aren't that wearable for work but most of the things I've seen which should be suitable are from Primark, which we don't have in York so it looks like be taking a trip to Sheffield as soon as possible.
Out of all the items I've fallen head over heels in love with the shoes, mainly because they have bats on them - that's enough of an excuse to buy them, right?!
Anyway I'm now off to write up more blog post to be up soon!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Instagram diaries July 31st - August 31st.
Hello my little lovelies! I promise that instagram diaries post will be regular again, not just once a month! I haven't posted much in the last month as it's been pretty standard and I think I'm losing my IG bug....
I'll keep this short and sweet so goodbye for now!
Lots of love Alex
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Sunday Wishlist 47 - Autumn wants!
Hello my little lovelies! Sorry for being so mia recently, I've just lost my blogging bug a little but I feel more confident about blogging again! I'm really thinking about changing my blog layout as I feel like it's way too busy at the moment, I'd love my blog to be monochrome! If you have any recommendations of designers, let me know in the comments. I'm looking for someone quite cheap as money is pretty tight at the moment.
Anyway enough about that and onto my wishlist - I have always been a lover of dresses in A/W, I'm pretty excited for the beautiful tartan dress to go into store! I love leather jackets all year round but I've yet to come across one with a faux fur collar at a resonable price until I found the one above, which is amazingly from ASDA! I am really enjoying ASDA's clothing at the moment, they're so lovely and the shirt is also from there too. The boots are my ultimate favourite on the list, I've been looking for some flat cut out boots and I luckily found some on Ebay, they're matte which I adore too! Finally yet another wine coloured dress and it has a collar too, be still my beating heart! I just wish price was more reasonable, I can't justify paying £32 on a dress - NOPE!
I should be back to regular blogging as soon as possible!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Instagram diaries 31st June - 31st July!
Hello my lovelies! It's been a while huh?! As you can tell my pictures, we're now in York and really enjoying it! We've been VERY busy sorting the flat, if you're wondering which, it was one I mentioned in a previous post, which we fell in love with instantly! I'm going to do a more indepth post about moving and what we've done so far soon now we have fully working WIFI again, yes to that! As you can tell from the pictures we've had such a busy couple of weeks - we moved, Ben graduated, he's also now been working for almost two months and so much more!
I should be back to blogging regularly soon, what would like to see now I'm back? I hope you've all been well and I cannot wait to catch up reading posts!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Thursday, 4 July 2013
A day in York.
Hello lovelies! If you didn't know I'll be moving to York pretty soon, which I'd been super nervous about as I'd never been before until I visited at the weekend. My boyfriend has been working there for almost a month now and we've both completely fallen in love with the city. It's so beautiful! Sheffield is quite nice but York is something else, I love that theres no cars or buses in the city center. It makes it much nicer to be in.
My favourite part of York had to be The Shambles, its definitely like something you'd see in Harry Potter. I later discovered that it inspired Diagon Alley, amazing huh?!
After feeling really nervous, I'm in the excited stage now! We've found the perfect apartment (which is almost ours!). I'm so excited to make the place our own, I'm sad about leaving family but I cannot wait to start the next chapter of our lives together.
My favourite part of York had to be The Shambles, its definitely like something you'd see in Harry Potter. I later discovered that it inspired Diagon Alley, amazing huh?!
After feeling really nervous, I'm in the excited stage now! We've found the perfect apartment (which is almost ours!). I'm so excited to make the place our own, I'm sad about leaving family but I cannot wait to start the next chapter of our lives together.
I cannot wait to officially move and find a job there. I'm super excited to see how they do Christmas.
I hope you've enjoyed reading!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
And the winner is.....
Hello lovelies! Just a very quick post to announce my giveaway winner, which is the lovely Chloe from Chloe goes to uni - check her out, she's so lovely and so is her blog! Thank-you to everyone who entered, I'm so grateful for you all! I may host another giveaway in the future as this one was pretty fun!
I hope you all have an amazing day!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Instagram Diaries 10th - 30th June.
Hey guys! Sorry I've been slacking so much recently, our life is a little busy at the moment. Ben has now been working in york for almost a month, while I've been at home looking for somewhere to stay, We viewed two apartments yesterday and fell in love with the second, which you can see here! I am praying we get it, the price is just a little steep for us but we're going to try and negotiate. The skylights won it for me completely! Anyway enough about that, I'm excited which means rambling again. If you're interested in the Glamourous dress, please comment below.
Lots of love
Alex xox
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Happy birthday Velvet-Tidesxo plus first giveaway! (closed)
Hello my loves! As you can tell from the title, today is my little blog's first birthday! How crazy is it that I've been blogging for a year?! I'm still a little rusty with blogging but I've gotten so much better since I started. I actually have no idea what I'd be doing right now If I hadn't discover blogging, I'm so grateful to all my lovely, lovely followers who have stuck around for a whole year! I'm not going to get too soppy but I adore the blogosphere and appreciate you all so much!
As a token of my gratitude I thought this would be perfect opportunity to host my first giveaway, which is all very exciting as I've been wanting to host one for a while now. All you need to do is follow Mr. Rafflecopter down there, and he'll tell you what to do. You must be following via GFC or Bloglovin' to enter (please let me know which in a comment below) and the giveaway is only for UK entries only. No fake or accounts purposely created to enter giveaways are allowed to enter! The giveaway will end a week from today and I'll be contacting the winner asap via email or/and twitter once the giveaway has ended!
Lots and lots of love
Alex xox
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Sunday wishlist #46 - Topshop sale picks!
Hello sweethearts! Its that time again, wishlist time! This week I decided to show you my favourite picks from the Topshop sale, I very rarely buy anything from Topshop as I think it's ridiculously over priced! I've only ever bought anything when It's been in the sale but sale shopping can be so stressful, thank god for internet shopping! I've always been a fan of Topshop dresses, the Blue lace one is gorgeous! Everything else are just items I've seen in store and loved!
Time to go a little off topic, I know I've slacking a while and I can't apologise enough but hopefully my post on Tuesday will make up for that, be sure to check it out!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Friday, 21 June 2013
Farewell GFC?
Hello lovelies! As many of you know we may be losing GFC in July as Google reader is being closed down so I thought I'd show you all the other ways you can follow me!
Tumblr - I very rarely post anything blog related unless it's major but It's still a great way to follow!
There you have it, every possible way you can follow me on the internet! Happy stalking!
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Sunday Wishlist #45 - Summer dress edition.
Hello lovelies! It's sunday again, my week has been pretty stressful. I spent the week alone as my boyfriend just started a new job in York! So exciting but I'm hating being alone all week. I love being able to catch up on tv shows but I missed my man a hell of alot! Also sorry about the lack of posts (again!) I'll be back with more regular post soon, I have a little giveaway coming soon too!
As the weather has gotten warmer I've realized I have no summer clothes! What I had from last summer now does suit me or I just don't like them anymore! I've seen so many pretty dresses around but I whittled it down to my favourite 4. The first is a beautiful dress from Primark! I am loving that Primark is now available on ASOS, meaning I can now get them for a little cheaper with my boyfriends student discount. I've seen so many floral dresses around lately but this is my favourite, I love the that the flowers look like black and white photographed flowers. The second dress is from Tobi, I am loving similar prints of the dress at the moment! I love how simple the dress and it could easily be dressed up or down. I'd probably wear it with vans like everything else I wear! The third dress is from Missguided and its so cute! I love the colour and that's coming from someone who mainly wears Black! Like I said about the dress before I'd probably wear it with Vans and add some cute accessories. Finally the last dress is one I found a while ago from Ebay and I adore the print, Elephants seem to be everywhere at the moment. The cut-out details are probably my favourite from the dress, I'm not a fan of having my arms out but cut-outs show still show a little skin. All the dresses are below £20, including the dress from Tobi as all new customers get 50% off their first purchase.
I hope you've all had a lovely day and spoilt your dads rotten! Happy fathers day to all the dads out there. Sorry this post is late too!
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Instagram diaries 27th March - 9th June.
Sorry about the lack of posts this week, I'd had a few planned but this week hasn't been great. It's been over a year since we last my granddad on tuesday and it was my stepdad's birthday Thursday so I've spent alot of time with family! Also my boyfriend has just got a job in York so I've been spending as much time with him as I can! We'll hopefully be moving in next couple of months which is all very exciting and scary at the same time! It has given me the opportunity to look for cute item though which is fun. We've been looking at a few places and we'll hopefully be getting somewhere with a bath with means lots of LUSH baths for me hehe. Anyway I'm rambling now....
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Sunday wishlist #44.
Hello beauties, happy Sunday! It's June already, how crazy but the weather is FINALLY perking up but that can be a bad thing for someone who doesn't own many summer clothes! I have been window shopping for dresses, shorts, skirts and all things summery for a while but didn't really find much I liked until I saw this very pretty Red dress from River Island, it remind me lot of a print Motel have in at the moment! I also found the best dupe for Jeffrey Cambell Coltranes, I've ever seen! They're from a website called Tobi and they're £58 (they offer 50% off to all new customers, making them cheaper but they add customs too!). I adore the silver hardware on them so much, I also love their name - they're called the Rebel Scholar which definitely sounds like something you'd hear in Star Wars! Once they're back in stock I think I'll be picking up a pair.
I definitely have a thing for skirts recently, I love the galaxy print skirt far too much. I've practically been living in my midi dress since I bought it and I really need alternatives. I only really like the skater skirt because it has an A on it haha. Finally a beautiful moon ring from Dixi and an expert face brush which I both need in my life NOW!
I hope you all enjoy the lovely weather we're having at the moment!
Lots of love Alex xox
Friday, 31 May 2013
Babyliss curling wand pro.
Hello lovelies! I really wish I'd have reviewed this item sooner because I adore it, I got a babyliss curling for Christmas from my parents (this one to be exact) and then I luckily won a giveaway Babyliss were hosting which was such a lovely surprise because when I was emailed I had completely forgotten I'd entered!
Here's what Babyliss said about the curling wand pro -
"This Babyliss curling wand Pro is a professional styler with no clamp, to give freedom and flexibility to create beautiful free-flowing curls with no kinks. The longer barrel with Wrap Control is designed to gently hold the hair for easy winding and consistent results, and with a longer length barrel, this styler is ideal for curling longer hair."
I found the curling wand pro super easy to use as it comes with a heat-protective glove, which I'd advise you all to use as it means no burnt finger tips! It was my first time using the curling wand and I found it really easy, saying that I struggled with the direction to hold it but I got the hang of it in no time!
I loved that the wand had so many heat settings, I used the curling wand on hottest setting (210) and a cooler setting for my fringe (180). I held the curls for a around 10 seconds, they stayed in for a whole day with only minimal dropping!
It's now a day later since I curled my hair and its dropped in to lovely beach waves and I only set them with a little hairspray.
I would definitely recommend the Curling Wand pro, they're super easy to use and are a very reasonable price. The one I used was designed for longer hair but all you short haired ladies could use it too!
Lots of love Alex xox
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Inspect-a-gadget - Kobo Mini review!

Hello sweeties! A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by the lovely Chris on behalf of, he told me about a Inspect-a-gadget (more information here!) and asked me if I'd like to review a product for me, I immediately jumped at the chance! I've always loved technology so a little eReader was perfect, I adored reading as a child but lost interest in my teens. I hoped having a little eReader would help me get back into that!
So, what are the basics:
•At 134g the lightest 5" E Ink reader for the convenience of reading on the go.
•It fits in your pocket (101 x 133 x 11mm)
•The responsive touch screen makes it easy to navigate - touch and tap your way through books.
•No glass and no glare - even in direct sunlight!
•Feature-rich with Wi Fi, touch screen and customization tools to provide the best reading experience.
•The only eReader with fun, interchangeable back covers to express your style and personalise your look.
•Read comfortably, with Kobo's amazingly sharp custom font & choose from 24 font sizes and 7 styles.
•Store up to 1,000 books on this eReader.
•Shop for eBooks anywhere with built in Wi Fi.
•Access today's bestsellers, hidden gems and tons of free titles. Plus easily find Books you'll love with Kobo Picks: recommendations just for you.
I personally think that the Kobo mini is perfect for any occasion whether that's a long train, car or bus journey or whether you're just laying in bed relaxing! The product would also be very handy for holidays too as it would be great to use either on the beach or on sun-lounger around the pool.
The product is super easy to use and very easy to read on, I love that you change the font size, plus the font too! I also love that the Kobo can be easily customised too, whether you buy a case online or a snapback to change the colour of the back of your Kobo, which can be bought from WHSmiths too (here, available in various colours).
Once you've signed up and registered Kobo will frequently email you with various offers, i.e - 25% off various books.
The main thing about the device for me was being able to put my own books onto the Kobo very easily, I had already purchased some books previously and I was luckily able to put them onto the device with no problems. I have 16 books and they don't take up much space at all! Another thing I love is battery life, I've had the device around 3-4 weeks and I've only had to charge it once!
Overall I think that the device is great! Amazing value for money and a lovely little device, perfect for any tech or book lovers out there.
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Instagram diaries 13th May - 26th May.
Lots of love Alex xox
Friday, 24 May 2013
Maybelline Volum' Express - The Colossal!
Hello lovelies! I have been meaning to review this mascara since I bought it a couple of weeks ago, I had been using Rimmel's Scandal'Eyes for years but it began to irritate my eyes. I had meaning to buy a new mascara for so long but struggled to find one with a big brush until I saw Maybelline's Colossal Volum'. The packaging drew me in first though, I love the mix of bright Yellow and Purple, very eye catching!
Here's what Maybelline said about The Colossal -
Up to 7x more volume in just 1 coat! Colossal brush, Colossal volume, Colossal impact. Discover the new Colossal mascara from Volum' Express, the world's no. 1 mascara brand!
The collagen enriched formula plumps your lash look for mega impact. Simple and quick to use: dip your Colossal brush and with this 1 coat of mascara generously charge your lashes for Colossal volume.
I found that the mascara worked amazingly! I love the packaging, the brush and the effect it gives my eyelashes, the whole product is a real winner for me! I don't actually use that much in the day time but the mascara seems very buildable if you'd like more a shocking eye for nights out. The only downfall for me is the smell of the mascara itself, I very rarely notice the smell of make-up products but its quite strong, it hasn't put me off wearing it though!
I'll be adding pictures of the mascara on my eyes soon but as I'm writing this at almost 2am, theres no point me putting make-up on now! By the way does anyone else take pictures of products of on their clothes because they don't have pretty bedding?!
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Sunday wishlist #43.
Hello my little lovelies! Happy Sunday :) I hope you've all had a glorious day. I've been on such a high since I passed my exam on Friday and I spent my Sunday evening my favourite way - baking! I baked my grandparents cookies. I am loving browsing online at the moment but that's nothing unusual is it?!
I think I've found some pretty great items, the bodysuit is lovely and how cute as its a cat! I am also loving the beautiful Sugarhill boutique dress, the colour and print! I'm also loving shower jellies at the moment, I recently bought Sweetie Pie from LUSH and I've been looking for something similar since. I scoured ebay and found the one above by a company called Bath, Bubble and Beyond. They have some many great looking products and I'll definitely be buying some of there jellies!
How gorgeous is the ring?! Is it crazy that I'm looking for my 21st birthday presents already? My birthday isn't while January but a girl can dream, huh? I adore the whole style of the ring, the rose in the middle is so different from others I've seen around.
I think I'm going to review my Zara Basic Messenger bag this week, if you'd all like to see?
Lots of love Alex xox
Friday, 17 May 2013
What's on my phone - tag!
Hello sweethearts! I'm back and I'm happy to say that I passed my retail course exams with over 90%! Anyway I've seen this tag floating around and it's right up my street.
phone/case: My phone is the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, it was my boyfriends before mine and I've had it for around 6/7 months and I'll definitely be sticking with it for a while! I'm such an android girl, all my phones have been androids and this one is by far the best I've had. It's perfect for everything I use it for, my only problem is battery life but that might just be me! The case is by a company called Hello Deere and it's from Ebay, my boyfriend kindly bought it me for my birthday! Although the case is pretty cute, its very impractical because of its size. The case is also available for other phones too!
wallpaper: My wallpaper is just a standard picture of Cinderella's castle I found on Google, I'm a huge lover of Disney and I always have been. The day I visit Disney world/land will be a VERY happy day! The exact image is here.
ringtone: My ringtone right now is just a standard android ringtone and the same goes for my message tone, nothing fancy!
homescreen: My homescreen has all the apps I use everyday, either with a simple icon or in a folder. All my other apps are in the app drawer.
bottom bar: My bottom bar is just shortcuts to call, contacts, messages (text and facebook) and google hangout, which used to be Google talk. They stay there on every page which is really handy!
most used apps: My most used apps are - Facebook, Instagram, Google hangout, Candy Crush (who'd have thought it!), Outlook emails, IMDB, Facebook pages manager, catch notes and then just the standard apps like Google music and other Google apps. I also use Mr. Number a lot which allows you to block numbers you don't want calling you I.E spam numbers!
photography apps: I have far too many photography apps! I sometimes use more than one to edit too. My main ones are - Instagram, #nocrop, Lumie light effects, photo grid, real bokeh free and also shape'd. I also have After focus, Awesome miniature tilt shift, FxCamera, Labelbox, Line Camera, Phonto, Photo Studio, PicsArt, PicsPlay, Pudding Camera, Rando, Snapeee, Snapseed and Super Photo. All apps are available on the Google Play Store now and some may be available for IOS devices too.
music: I love to have music on my phone, it such simpler than carrying around my ipod too! Google Music is a lifesaver, it makes it so you don't need to have the music stored on the phone as they're all stored online instead! Google music can upload your itunes libary meaning you can have all your music at your fingetips! I wouldn't recommend Google music if you didn't have completely unlimited Data as it streams the music online but you can easily select music to play and keep offline.
Just incase you were wondering how I got the HK icons, I downloaded the Apex launcher which lets you customise your phone then I downloaded the HK app for the launcher which I can't find (sorry guys!).
I'll definitely be sticking to Android, the thought of another phone makes me cringe haha. I adore the look of the Nexus 4, it's very pretty in White and the back is beautiful. If you haven't seen look here (thanks to my boyfriend for the link!)
wallpaper: My wallpaper is just a standard picture of Cinderella's castle I found on Google, I'm a huge lover of Disney and I always have been. The day I visit Disney world/land will be a VERY happy day! The exact image is here.
ringtone: My ringtone right now is just a standard android ringtone and the same goes for my message tone, nothing fancy!
homescreen: My homescreen has all the apps I use everyday, either with a simple icon or in a folder. All my other apps are in the app drawer.
bottom bar: My bottom bar is just shortcuts to call, contacts, messages (text and facebook) and google hangout, which used to be Google talk. They stay there on every page which is really handy!
most used apps: My most used apps are - Facebook, Instagram, Google hangout, Candy Crush (who'd have thought it!), Outlook emails, IMDB, Facebook pages manager, catch notes and then just the standard apps like Google music and other Google apps. I also use Mr. Number a lot which allows you to block numbers you don't want calling you I.E spam numbers!
photography apps: I have far too many photography apps! I sometimes use more than one to edit too. My main ones are - Instagram, #nocrop, Lumie light effects, photo grid, real bokeh free and also shape'd. I also have After focus, Awesome miniature tilt shift, FxCamera, Labelbox, Line Camera, Phonto, Photo Studio, PicsArt, PicsPlay, Pudding Camera, Rando, Snapeee, Snapseed and Super Photo. All apps are available on the Google Play Store now and some may be available for IOS devices too.
music: I love to have music on my phone, it such simpler than carrying around my ipod too! Google Music is a lifesaver, it makes it so you don't need to have the music stored on the phone as they're all stored online instead! Google music can upload your itunes libary meaning you can have all your music at your fingetips! I wouldn't recommend Google music if you didn't have completely unlimited Data as it streams the music online but you can easily select music to play and keep offline.
Just incase you were wondering how I got the HK icons, I downloaded the Apex launcher which lets you customise your phone then I downloaded the HK app for the launcher which I can't find (sorry guys!).
I'll definitely be sticking to Android, the thought of another phone makes me cringe haha. I adore the look of the Nexus 4, it's very pretty in White and the back is beautiful. If you haven't seen look here (thanks to my boyfriend for the link!)
I tag anyone who is interested in the tag!
Lots of love Alex xox
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Ice-cream cupcakes?! Yes please!
Hello sweethearts! Sorry about the lack of updates recently (my bad!) but I'm on a week long retail course at the moment so I don't have much free time to blog. I did have a couple of hours free to bake though, we have exams this week so I thought these little beauties might brighten up everyones spirit.
I used two different recipes one for the Chocolate cupcakes (here) and one for the yummy Vanilla frosting (here). I also added chocolate sprinkles and chopped up pieces for flake (3 full sized bars). The frosting turned out amazing as I used a wonderful decorating syringe, which I payed a measly one pound for! You can also buy a similar one here. I think I'll be getting so much use out of the little thing, definitely worth the money I paid!
I should be back to blogging to sometime next week! I recently bought the Zara basic messenger bag so I'll be writing up a post when I can.
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Instagram diaries 29th April - 12 May.
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Sunday wishlist #42 - Ever Ours edition.
Hello lovelies! I am in love with Ever Ours recently and by the looks of it, so many other blogger love them too! They have such a diverse collection, which includes so many on trend pieces. There daisy print dress are adorable and perfect for summer, they have them in three colours too - Blue, Red and White (coming soon but can be seen on their facebook page). All their products are so evenly priced too and their sale at the moment is great. I'll definitely be buying some things to add to my S/S wardrobe.
Lots of love Alex xox
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