Lots of Love Alex xox
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Instagram diaries 18th - 31st March.
Sunday wishlist #38 and Happy Easter!
1//2//3 (available from April 9th)//4//5//6
Hello lovelies! Happy Easter, I hope you've all got some lovely Easter goodies. I've been majorly craving Denim this week, I've been on the lookout for the perfect pair of shorts to wear throughout S/S and I think I might have found them. They have Star Wars fabric on them! They're a little expensive though as they're from America. I also found the prettiest Denim dress from DaisyStreet, it looks a little short though and I'm pretty tall (boo!), I found another beautiful midi dress on DaisyStreet. I adore the print, very unique! I'm aslo majorly craving Hayley Williams lipstick for MAC, it's the prettiest shade of Orange, very Zoella.
How will you be spending your Easter Sunday? I think I'll spend mine eating easter eggs and catching up on TV, the new season of Game Of Thrones starts tonight, Doctor Who and the Voice came back last night. So exciting, What did you all think of last nights Doctor Who? I'm so unsure what to make of it.
Quick question: Did you know you can now follow Velvet-Tidesxo via Bloglovin'? You can follow HERE! I'm also on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.
Quick question: Did you know you can now follow Velvet-Tidesxo via Bloglovin'? You can follow HERE! I'm also on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.
Lots of love
Alex xox
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Giveaway win | Crown and Glory x Bits and Bows.
Hello sweeties! I recently won a giveaway hosted by Crown & Glory and Bits and Bows, both companies were really generous! Here's what I won -
Medium Pastel hair bows, Pastel Butterfly clips, Whole Lotta Rosie headband (not part of giveaway but sent as a replacement of other headband as it arrived broken, other headband not available), Make a Wish wrap bracelet. All other items are Bits and Bows too but I couldn't find them on the website.
Crown and Glory and Bits and Bows are huge on the old blogosphere and I couldn't be happier that I got my hands on their products. I'd be very undecided whether to order from C&C for a while as I wasn't sure if they'd suit me but I love their Whole Lotta Rosie headband on myself, I choose Black as Black goes with everything! I can't wear to wear it in the Summer with a strapless top and shorts.
I'm so Thankful to both Crown and Glory and Bits and Bows, I couldn't be happier! If you'd like products from either C&G or B&B, check their websites HERE and HERE!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Confessions of a (kind of) beauty blogger.
Hello lovelies! Just a quick post today as I've seen this tag floating around and I thought I'd give it ago. I always find people responses amusing, let me know what you're responses are!
1. I am the laziest person when it comes to painting my nails, I can go months without putting colour on them.
2. I'm also very lazy when taking my make-up off, I usually use baby wipes or sometimes I just forget. I really need to get into a routine of taking it off!
3. I don't own a single product by MAC or NARS, I'd love to but they're way out of my price range.
4. I have dyed my hair more times then you would believe, I first dyed it when I was around 10 or 11. My aunty put red streaks into my dark Brown hair then I've had it multiple colours since. My favourite has always been Purple though.
5. Sticking with the hair dying, I really regret having blonde put into my hair. I had a full head of highlights done by my cousin (who isn't a hair dresser by the way!), I had it done to make myself feel better after a break up but it just made me feel worse because it turned gingery blonde. It also wrecked my hair and didn't look too great either.
6. I'm always picking mascara off my eyelashes, I'm surprised I even have eyelashes left with the amount that come out sometimes!
7. I highly regret having a spray tan for my Christmas ball and Prom, looking back it wasn't a good look for me! I've stuck to being pale ever since.
8. I've attempted to shave my legs dry numerous times, the outcome always ends badly.
9. My first ever beauty products were clear mascara and a frosted pink lipgloss, I remember my mum buying me them when I was around 9 for a party. The mascara did nothing other than irritate my eyes and I hated the lipgloss, hence why I now wear nothing on my lips, EVER! I'd love to get into wearing lipsticks though, Topshop ones seem a must with bloggers!
10. I have a habit of always buying foundation thats too dark for my skin, I'll swatch it on my hand in the shop but by the time I get home and try it again it'll end up looking a completely different colour.
1. I am the laziest person when it comes to painting my nails, I can go months without putting colour on them.
2. I'm also very lazy when taking my make-up off, I usually use baby wipes or sometimes I just forget. I really need to get into a routine of taking it off!
3. I don't own a single product by MAC or NARS, I'd love to but they're way out of my price range.
4. I have dyed my hair more times then you would believe, I first dyed it when I was around 10 or 11. My aunty put red streaks into my dark Brown hair then I've had it multiple colours since. My favourite has always been Purple though.
5. Sticking with the hair dying, I really regret having blonde put into my hair. I had a full head of highlights done by my cousin (who isn't a hair dresser by the way!), I had it done to make myself feel better after a break up but it just made me feel worse because it turned gingery blonde. It also wrecked my hair and didn't look too great either.
6. I'm always picking mascara off my eyelashes, I'm surprised I even have eyelashes left with the amount that come out sometimes!
7. I highly regret having a spray tan for my Christmas ball and Prom, looking back it wasn't a good look for me! I've stuck to being pale ever since.
8. I've attempted to shave my legs dry numerous times, the outcome always ends badly.
9. My first ever beauty products were clear mascara and a frosted pink lipgloss, I remember my mum buying me them when I was around 9 for a party. The mascara did nothing other than irritate my eyes and I hated the lipgloss, hence why I now wear nothing on my lips, EVER! I'd love to get into wearing lipsticks though, Topshop ones seem a must with bloggers!
10. I have a habit of always buying foundation thats too dark for my skin, I'll swatch it on my hand in the shop but by the time I get home and try it again it'll end up looking a completely different colour.
Let me know what you thought of my confessions!
Lots of love
Alex xox
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Instagram diaries 4th - 17th March.
1. Star Wars with Ben, pew! pew! pew!; 2. Yummy creme egg; 3. Disappointing Domino's; 4. Sawyer & Scout blog post; 5. Check out Gizoogle.net, thank me later; 6. WHAT TIME IS IT?!; 7. Yummy food with my boyfriend and his parent's for mother's day; 8. Cheeky krush'em; 9. Attempted Chocolate and cookie dough cupcakes, they ended up cupcakes with cookies on top; 10. My entry for Passion for Fashion 2; 11. Early Easter egg and Project Runway; 12. Standard Friday bus journey shot, featuring disco legs and studded flats.
Lots of Love Alex xox
Sunday wishlist #37.
Hello sweeties, happy st' Patricks day! What a week, so many speculations about GFC because they're getting rid of google reader. I would rant but I don't want to annoy you all, all I'll say is that I've heard nothing but rumours from bloggers. Also Jessie J shaved her head for Comic Relief, brave lady!
I can't think of much to say about the items other than I want them like every other week. The bag and purse mainly, as I need a new purse and bag (well mainly purse but what women can turn down a new bag?!). How cute are the dungaree though? I cannot wait to buy some and wear them through S/S. I adore the print of the dress, I love wearing Black through-out S/S, brights and pastels kinda scare me.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday! Do you have any st' Patrick's day activities planned?
Lots of love Alex xox
Friday, 15 March 2013
Hayley Williams collection with MAC (April 2013).
Eyeshadow: Daydreaming (veluxe pearl) £12, Mineralzie Skinfinish: Lightscapade £21.50, Lipstick: Sounds like Noise (matte) £14 and Nail Lacquer: Riot Girl (cream) £10. All products available HERE!
Hello ladies! MAC have recently teamed up with Paramore front women, Hayley Williams to create an exclusive (online only) four piece collection. I have been a lover of Hayley Williams since I was in my early teens, her style has always caught my eye but much more recently as she's changed her look. I'm so excited about the collection, they're all very bright and true to Hayley, all of the products reflect her hair and bright personality. The products might not be suited to everyone but they're definitely suited to Hayley. The only downside for me is that they don't have Hayley William's signature on any of the products, I was hoping they'd be similar to other collaborations, such as Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga or Rihanna.
I'm really looking forward to the collection as I adore the colours, perfect Summer shades if you ask me! The lipstick colour kind of scares me but I think I may jump in and make it my first MAC product.
The collection launches April 9th so mark your calendars!
Lots of love Alex xox
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Passion for Fashion 2013 | challenge.
Hello lovelies! It's that time again! Some of you might remember that I entered the MoneySupermarket 'Passion of Fashion' challenge last year. I had so much fun entering, I love taking part in challenge's so when I was emailed by the lovely Chris, I knew I wanted to enter again this year!
The challenge is the same concept as last year, but with only three categories instead of five. The categories are Party, Holiday/Beach and Casual. You can find more information about the challenge HERE!
The challenge is the same concept as last year, but with only three categories instead of five. The categories are Party, Holiday/Beach and Casual. You can find more information about the challenge HERE!

Total = £108.96
Total = £121.64
Total = £110.76
I decided to center my three outfits around key trends for S/S - monochrome with neons (outfit 1), floral (outfit 2) and Brights (outfit 3). Outfit 3 is definitely my favourite, if I was a little shorter I'd love the shoes! The dress is definitely me too, I adore lace. My favourite from the outfit is the clear clutch, pretty huh?! Very impractical but lovely none the less.
Which outfit is your favourite?
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Sunday wishlist #36.
Hello sweethearts, happy Sunday! What do you think of this week's wishlist? I have seen pinafore playsuits everywhere and I cannot wait to own my own, they're so versatile! Crown & Glory is also EVERYWHERE on the blogosphere and I have definitely caught the C&G bug, I recently won a giveaway with them and bits and bows (post coming soon!). The smaller headbands look so dainty and sweet. I have been dying to try a midi dress but being tall I have no idea if they'd suit me, I adore the colours of the New Look midi, I own so many wine coloured clothes though haha. How pretty are the Topshop cut out boots? They'd look great with the midi. Finally, the skirt is my favourite piece I've found in a while. A cat print skirt! Perfect for S/S.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday lovelies!
Lots of love Alex xox
Lots of love Alex xox
Friday, 8 March 2013
Mini Golden Snitch necklace by Sawyer and Scout.
Hello ladies! What do you think of this beauty? I received from my boyfriend for Christmas and I have fallen head over heels in love with it! Being such a huge HP fan, it was inevitable really. I love how small but very detailed the necklace is, it works so well so many outfits.
The necklace is from Sawyer & Scout which is run by the lovely Erin. Sawyer & Scout have such pretty items, their HP collection is beyond beautiful. The collection includes Mini Potion necklaces, Neville's Rememberall necklace, Golden Snitch earring's (same as the necklace above) and much more! I may treat myself to something soon, they're all so pretty.
Sawyer & Scout also have a Hunger Games collection, which includes District 4 necklace, Katniss necklace inspired by her weapon of choice a bow and arrow, Districts of Panem beaded bracelets and a fiction inspired collection too.
Each piece is handmade by Erin and they're all made so well. For more information on Sawyer & Scout check out a blogpost written on Blogger's Bookshelf (post HERE!)
Sawyer & Scout also sell textiles, false nails, handmade bunting and more.
Happy Friday!
Lots of love Alex xox
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Peanut Butter cookies | recipe.
Hello lovelies, I have another recipe for you all! Today, it's peanut butter cookies (which my boyfriend loves). They're the simplest cookies I've ever made because they only contain a few ingredients.
250g peanut butter, crunchy or smooth either work well.
200g granulated sugar.
1 egg
I also added chunks of chocolate as I had some left from baking cupcakes (recipe here!) .
1. Preheat the oven to 180c.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
3. Place a tablespoon of mixture onto a baking tray and space them well apart.
4. Bake for 15 minutes and turn half way.
I made around 11 cookies as I made them different sizes so I'm not sure how many the recipe actually makes.
250g peanut butter, crunchy or smooth either work well.
200g granulated sugar.
1 egg
I also added chunks of chocolate as I had some left from baking cupcakes (recipe here!) .
1. Preheat the oven to 180c.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
3. Place a tablespoon of mixture onto a baking tray and space them well apart.
4. Bake for 15 minutes and turn half way.
I made around 11 cookies as I made them different sizes so I'm not sure how many the recipe actually makes.
And here's the finished product!
The recipe without the chocolate is entirely gluten free so everyone can enjoy (unless they're allergic to nuts, that is).
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Instagram diaries - 18th - 3rd March.
1. Such a beautiful day yet I'm sat inside blogging; 2. Drowning out the noisy kids on the bus; 3. I spend my life on public transport; 4. Majorly missing my Black hair; 5. I love finding cute wrestlers in fashion mags; 6. I won Crown and Glory's giveaway!; 7. Tangled kind of day; 8. Lunch time; 9. I made my boyfriend cupcakes and cookies as an early birthday present (cupcake recipe HERE!); 10. Addicted to sims again; 11. Yummy Creme Egg shakeaway; 12. Warm Bodies, such a great movie; 13. Guess where we went....; 14. Cinema treats; 15. Snow Fairy review; 16. Meatball sub with sweet onion sauce, heaven!; 17. I spent my day watching youtube video's featuring Sprinkle of glitter; 18. Elimination Chamber time!
Lots of love Alex xox
Sunday wishlist #35 - E.L.F edition.
Hello lovelies! Wow, I didn't realise how big this wishlist was until I saw it fully but I am loving E.L.F at the moment and I cannot wait to get my hands on some of their products. I recently finished using MUA and I'd love to try another brand.
I mostly want E.L.F's Blush in Tickle Pink, which I believe is a dupe of Nars' famous 'Orgasm' but for a fraction the cost! I can't wait to try their Studion make-up Mist which looks like MUA's Fixing Mist but is much cheaper but for 60ml instead of 100ml. E.L.F's nail polishes are such pretty colours, my favouirte's are Mod Mauve and Desert Haze, pretty aren't they? There is far too many items on the list to go into detail but have any of my fellow bloggers tried E.L.F before? What did you think?
Happy Sunday! Are you doing anything nice today?
Lots of love Alex xox
Friday, 1 March 2013
Best dressed at the Oscars.
Hello there! So the Oscars happened this weekend, what did you think? I am a big lover of award cerimonies and I just loved the Oscars. I hadn't watched the Oscars in years and I was a little disappointed by recent award cerimonies but the Oscars made me believe that they can be great again! The dresses I saw were outstanding!
Kristen Stewart in Reem Arca Couture , Jennifer Aniston in Valentino, Naomi Watts in Giorgio Aramani, Jennifer Lawrence in Dior and Jenna Dawen-Tatum in Rachel Roy.
Here goes with what I thought of the above dresses. Firstly, I was in love K-Stews (yes, I'm making that a thing now!) dress. She looks so simple and elegant, It's quite brideish but lovely none the less. Her choices of accesories weren't great though, CRUTCHES! Poor Kristen cut the ball of her foot a day before the awards :( how Kristen was voted least sexiest woman is beyond me, she looks so great (see article HERE!) secondly, Jennifer Aniston looked devine! She always looks so perfect and I am loving that she's wearing red, it suits her so much. I know quite a few people were disappointed by Jennifers dress but I definitely wasn't, it was lovely to see a pop of colour in what seemed a sea of nude/pale dresses. Thirdly, Naomi Watts' dress was defiantly my favourite of the night. The colour is beautiful and I love the cut of the dress. It really flattered her shape. Sequins seemed to be a big trend at the awards, which I LOVED! Fourthly, Jennifer Lawrence! How could anyone not love her dress?! The colour, the cut, the details - gorgeous! Finally, Jenna Dawen-Tatum. How beautiful does she look? Her dress is amazing, I am a big lover of Black lace and I adore how the dress flatters her cute baby bump (aww!). The cut of the dress is beautiful and I love the nudes in the dress too.
Who was your best dressed at the awards? I had such a hard time choosing my top five.
Lots of love Alex xox
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